Soulmates and Marriage


Soulmates, the unique astrology of Ivarna. Soulmates can be husband, wife, life partner, long term lover. Your Soulmate One reading is  the most intriguing introduction to your future partner you will ever read.  I will give you a unique description of your future Soulmate. This is real astrology at work for you, the way astrology should be. Created in response to many requests from clients for a good description of their future marriage partner, this revealing astrology started life as “Your Marriage Chart” over twenty-five years ago, and this very special reading has since gained respect and popularity all around the world, and today is in high demand.

Soulmates are those whose spirit has been irresistibly attracted from the beginning of time. A predestined lover, true soulmate, brought to the fatalistic point in history where your two predestined paths must merge so that you can complete your destiny. Your life is written in a single instant. Everything there is to know about you is concealed inside that one moment of birth. As a true astrologer with a natural talent for  deep chart interpretation I offer these skills to unlock that moment and reveal to you your predetermined soulmate.

Soulmate One

Beginning with a thorough description of your soulmates appearance; face, hair colour, I then go on to describe his character so precisely that you will feel you already know him. A glimpse of his  childhood background almost brings your soulmate to life. I then see if  your chart shows a clue to his name, the initials of his name, and by analyzing your chart further I try to reveal when you will meet, or marry.  This is genuine, predictive astrology. Everything is taken directly from your own birth chart drawn up for the very moment you were born. If you do not know your exact time of birth I may be able to rectify your time of birth from some details of your past, read Rectify Chart for more information.

You may be shocked, delighted, perhaps amazed at every one of the twenty five or so pages,  you will certainly be totally fascinated by your own Soulmate One prepared just for you, and only available from Ivarna or an authorized agent.  You can  order now and save yourself a little time and money by placing your order for Soulmate One, Two and Three all together.

Order Your Soulmate Chart Now 

Soulmate Two

Following the success of my Soulmate charts, many wonderful clients wrote back for more information about their soul mate, so I developed a follow up reading, now known as Your Soulmate volume Two. Your birth chart holds much about you, and much more about your Soulmate. This reading takes the first Soul Mate reading a step further and is equally as detailed. In Soul Mate Two I describe your future partner’s figure, stance, and manner in more depth. I will also describe the place or circumstance under which you will meet, assuming that this shows in your individual chart, occasionally it doesn’t. I will add more about his life and background, and will also tell you something of your future life together.

Please don’t mistake this as describing a second soulmate, for that request the Soulmate the Second one, you can give a brief explanation of your reason for wanting your Soulmate Second time, this may help me provide you with exactly what you want.

 Order Your Soulmate part Two

Soulmate Three

If you want more, as so many do, you can have more, in Your Soulmate volume Three. I can delve deeper into your chart to uncover details that are not yet shown in volumes One and Two, but you details you really do want to know.

What will be your first impressions of him ? We try to listen to the voice of your soulmate,  and how he communicates. We also look at the hands and how he uses his hands. We search for more information about his family. How you will meet, the courtship, his health and more. What I can tell you is only what I can discover from your birth chart, sometimes, rarely, things are not as clear, not so easy to define, if this is the case I will say so. Everyone’s birth chart is different, but that is not to say your soulmate will be totally different to everyone elses, your Soulmate Reading may have a similarity to another, but to you your Soulmate will be a one and only, you will know, when you meet, you will understand.

Your Soulmate Three reading will be of the same high standard as Soulmate One and Two, it may be a little shorter, as this is quite advanced chart analysis and these details are spread thinly. But do not judge by quantity, after reading your Soulmate One and Two you will know I do not fill your readings with unnecessary fluff and waffle,  the results will be just as startling and quite revealing.

 Order Your Soulmate part Three

Soulmate Four

This Soulmate Four reading is the final chapter in Your Soulmate collection, without it the set is incomplete. What more can it tell you may ask. Yes, I  have revealed almost all there is to tell, but no quite all.

Soulmate One,Two and Three readings are about him at the time of your meeting, however Soulmate Four goes that step further ahead into the future, for no relationship stands still, time moves on. This Soulmate Four reading shows more  about your life together In Soulmate Four there is a look at what he was like in his university age years,  a description of him and his life then. There is a detiled look at what effect this relationship will have on you over time, on your looks, health, life. Will  you  thrive, or wilt from the stresses of it ? It can describe your future home with him, the place where you will live. His clothing,  money, over the future years, right  into the conditions of his old age.

 Order Your Soulmate part Four

Your birth time is unknown, or in doubt

True predictive astrology is based on the astrological heavens at the moment of your birth.  To obtain an accurate birth chart or Natal chart your time and town of birth is needed, your birthday is just not enough.

Many people do not know their hour and minute of birth, and are unaware that there is a pretty reliable method of obtaining an unknown birth time. It is called ” Chart Rectification”. If you  have regular astrology readings, or even if you want an only a once in a life time reading you want it right, and to be as vivid, illuminating and detailed as it possibly can, then a rectification is essential if your birth time is not known or may not be correct, to within a few minutes not the nearest hour.

Let me have the detail about happenings to yourself and close family,  they all help greatly in determining the true birth time. If you feel there have been no major events tell me about your appearance, scars, do you wear spectacles, all help to pin-point an accurate time, read more

Order Your Soulmate Reading

Ivarna’s Soulmates Readings, you may now place your order here from any address world-wide, payments taken in UK Pounds.  If you need a translation  of your Soulmate reading  to your language please ask.  Order direct from this page or contact Ivarna for help. Quick language translation link on the right may help with these pages, if you need help to understand these pages please ask. 

  Order Your Soulmate reading Here